
Dustin Nguyen

Full-stack developer

Zalo Group Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Passionate about the ever-evolving world of technology, I am on a continuous journey to broaden my horizons. I am eagerly looking forward to delving into new tech, refining my existing skills

My Skills


Java ServletsApache ThriftNode.jsMicro-serviceRESTful APIMySQLNoSQLEvent BusThreadsConcurencyElasticSearch


HTMLCSSTailwindCSSSASSJavaScriptjQueryReact.jsReact NativeNext.jsReact HooksReduxZustand




OOPFunctional ProgrammingDesign PatternsData structuresAlgorithms

With 2.5 years as a full-stack developer in social media, I am adept at web app development processes. Independently driving key features and events on our platform, I reached 10 million MAU. In the future, I aim to learn new technologies, enhance my skills, earn certifi cations, elevate performance, improve coding standards, and solve intricate challenges demanding precision and reliability.

Passionate about the ever-evolving world of technology, I am on a continuous journey to broaden my horizons. I am eagerly looking forward to delving into new tech, refining my existing skills, acquiring noteworthy certifications, and setting the gold standard in coding practices. At the heart of my aspirations is an innate desire to tackle complex challenges that demand accuracy, reliability, and unparalleled excellence.

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